[pronounced ME-SOW-FEE-LI-OMAR]
Meosothelioma is more than just a word. It is a sentence. A death sentence.
Mesothelioma is a terminal cancer. Its only fully recognised cause is past exposure to asbestos.
It can take decades to manifest itself. Some people worked for years breathing in large amounts of dust and, thankfully, remain free of the disease. Others who came into low level exposure – even washing dusty workclothes or spending time near a source of invisible, low level, dust, have developed asbestos related cancer. It is a very cruel lottery.
This blog is a record of thoughts and experiences as we prepare to cycle through Britian to raise awareness of asbestos cancer. It will include private views about the breathtaking facts about asbestos, the communities and people that have been affected by this deadly mineral.
It will be quite a breathtaking journey in more ways than one.
It is a breathtaking fact that, in 2009, asbestos related disease remains Britain's biggest workplace killer. Yet there is practically no dedicated research funding into these preventable cancers.
We support the call for a National Centre for Asbestos Related Disease (NCARD).
You can follow our breathtaking journey via the internet or meet us as we travel from 20th June to July 4th.
We welcome your comments, photos, stories and help to raise awareness of the deadly legacy caused by asbestos.
Jason, Katrina and Paul.
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